Mission & Vision - enhancedx

Since 2009 GRAPA has been dedicated to the professionalization of the
Revenue Assurance function in businesses around the world. 


The Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association (GRAPA) was created to serve the interests of  professionals engaged in the governance, risk mitigation and assurance of revenues, operations and finance  in the  telecommunications, finance, banking, transportation and other industries. 

Our members are responsible for the design, delivery and  governance of financial controls, revenue recognition, the assurance and measurement of  profit and the protection of those profits from fraud , cyber attack and other forms of leakage.

Our members are typically associated with the Revenue Assurance, Fraud Management, Internal Audit , Risk Management, Cyber Security or related roles.

GRAPA's role is to contribute to the professionalization of these functions through the development, formalization and promotion of professional practices; development, creation and promotion of innovative, new and more efficient methodologies; and the standardization, training and certification of those skills, methodologies and approaches.


Continuous Professional Development

As the leading standards, certification and professionalizing body in revenue risk, audit and assurance, GRAPA is committed to core principals of consensus, rationalization and integrity in all its endeavors.

GRAPA’s goal is to further the status of those working in revenue functions, and to have their essential contributions recognized at the core of efficient and effective industry practice.

GRAPA believes this can only be achieved through the rigorous application of ratified global standards, the certification of trained and qualified professionals, and the continuous education of those who work in such demanding and constantly evolving disciplines.

Over 10 Years of Innovation and Growth for 1,000's or Professionals

Since the delivery of our first certification event in Paraguay in 2007, GRAPA has provided the industry with continuous activity focused on improving the standing of the risk management professional .

 The risk management profession has changed a lot over the past decades, just like the companies that we work for. 

We have seen the Revenue Assurance professional  evolve from a mundane, tedious CDR checker, to a sophisticated Risk and Governance analyst and troubleshooter. 

The modern business could not exist without the contributions made by hundreds or RA professionals around the world, and we here at GRAPA are the first to recognize and acknowledge this critical and often minimized function. 

The New Normal - Agile Style! 
As we roll into the new decade, the challenges of the 2020's are bigger and more pronounced than ever before. 

Remote work environments, an avalanche of new technologies like 5G, IOT, Fiber and CVPN have forced the risk  professional to dig deep and get more innovative than ever before. 

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